Gary Corbin


Gary Corbin

Gary Corbin

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery

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    May 2016

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    United States

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  • Profession

    Writer and Editor


Gary Corbin is an author and playwright in Camas, WA, a suburb of Portland, OR.

His debut novel, Lying in Judgment, was released in March, 2016. Lying in Judgment is a courtroom thriller about a man who serves on the jury of a murder trial for the crime he committed.

An award-winning playwright, several of his plays have been produced in the Portland, OR area, some of them multiple times. In addition to his own scripts, Gary writes, ghost-writes, and edits scripts. He specializes in tight, realistic dialogue involving sharply drawn, interesting characters in complex relationships.

Gary is a member of PDX Playwrights, the Portland Area Theater Alliance, the Willamette Writers Group and the North Bank Writers Workshop, and participates in workshops and conferences in the Portland, Oregon area.

A homebrewer as well as a maker of wine, mead, cider, and soft drinks, Gary is a member of the Oregon Brew Crew and a BJCP National Beer Judge. He loves to ski, cook, and garden, and hopes someday to train his dogs to obey. And when that doesn’t work, there’s always Renegade’s Paradise.


Lying in Judgment preview trailer

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